
Neutron Wolter Optics program.

[1] B Khaykovich, M Gubarev, Y Bagdasarova, B Ramsey, D Moncton, From X-ray telescopes to neutron scattering: Using axisymmetric mirrors to focus a neutron beam, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 631 (2011) 98.

This paper reported the first experimental demonstration of focusing by neutron Wolter optics. Initial ray-tracing analysis of the flux collection efficiency of a particular kind of mirrors, ellipsoid-hyperboloid, was also reported.

[2] MV Gubarev, B Khaykovich, B Ramsey, D Moncton, VE Zavlin, K Kilaru, et al., From x-ray telescopes to neutron focusing, Proceedings of SPIE. 8147 (2011) 81470B.

This paper accompanied an invited talk at the 2011 SPIE meeting. It provides a status report on the neutron supermirror developments by the NASA group, including initial neutron reflectivity measurements of replicated neutron supermirrors (m=1.9).

[3] B Khaykovich, M Gubarev, V Zavlin, R Katz, G Resta, D Liu, et al., Novel neutron focusing mirrors for compact neutron sources, Physics Procedia 26 (2012) 299.

This paper, which accompanied an invited talk at the 2011 UCANS-II workshop, reports results of the initial neutron imaging experiment at HFIR. That experiment showed magnifying image of a test sample for the first time. Since the data was not good enough for quantitative comparison with calculations, it was not submitted for a major publication. Based on the experience of the HFIR test, the subsequent experiment at NCNR was significantly more informative and would lead to a publication (see [6] below).

[4] D. Liu, M. V. Gubarev, G. Resta, B. D. Ramsey, D. E. Moncton, and B. Khaykovich, Axisymmetric Grazing-Incidence Focusing Optics for Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A. 686 (2012) 145.

This paper reports a thorough ray-tracing analysis of a SANS instrument equipped with Wolter optics. Significant, by a factor of 50 or more, increase in the flux is predicted for EQ-SANS, together with a factor of two improvements in resolution.

[5] B. Khaykovich, D. Liu, G. Resta, D. E. Moncton and M. V. Gubarev, On the challenge of flux concentration at grazing incidence for neutrons and x-rays, Proc. SPIE 8485 (2012) 848509;

This paper accompanies an invited talk at 2012 SPIE meeting. It reports the original detailed analysis of how to maximize the neutron flux collection efficiency using focusing mirrors.

[6] D. Liu, D. Hussey, M. V. Gubarev, B. D. Ramsey, D. Jacobson, M. Arif, D. E. Moncton, and B. Khaykovich, Demonstration of achromatic cold-neutron microscope utilizing axisymmetric focusing mirrors. Applied Physics Letters 102, 183508 (2013); doi: 10.1063/1.4804178

The successful imaging experiment at NIST will be described, together with the ray-tracing simulations. The importance of the angular resolution of the optics, the geometry of the source, and other details, are described.

[7] D. Liu, B. Khaykovich, M.V. Gubarev, J.L. Robertson, L. Crow, B.D. Ramsey, and D.E. Moncton, Demonstration of a novel focusing small-angle neutron scattering instrument equipped with axisymmetric mirrors, Nature Communications 4, 2556 (2013); doi: 10.1038/ncomms3556

The demonstration experiment of mirrors-based SANS, December 2012 at HFIR, ORNL.

[8] Boris Khaykovich, Dazhi Liu, David E. Moncton, Mikhail V. Gubarev and Brian D. Ramsey

Grazing-incidence focusing mirrors with cylindrical symmetry transform neutron imaging and scattering instruments from pinhole cameras to microscopes.

4 February 2014, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201401.005243

Huarui Wu, Boris Khaykovich*, Xuewu Wang, Daniel S. Hussey

Wolter mirrors for neutron imaging

Physics Procedia 88 (2017) 184 – 189; doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2017.06.025

Durgesh K Rai, Muhammad Abir, Huarui Wu, Boris Khaykovich*, and David E. Moncton

Focusing Mirrors for Enhanced Neutron Radiography with Thermal Neutrons and Application for Irradiated Nuclear Fuel

Nucl. Instr. Meth. A (2017);